Ich bewerbe mich offiziell als Annette Kurschus Nachfolger, weil ich es tun muss. AMEN

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Münster, NRW, Germany
Von Fernseh-, Film-, Theater- Haupt-,und Nebenrollen, war so ziemlich alles dabei. 1995 wanderte ich in die USA aus, um mich zu "finden." Was mir Gott sei Dank auch tatsächlich gelang. Im April 2006 veröffentlichte ich meinen ersten Blog in den USA, bei blogcritics, da mir die renommierte LOS ANGELES TIMES nicht glauben wollte, dass eine zu 100% falsche Marilyn Monroe Ausstellung auf dem Weg war, für 12 Jahre um die Welt zu ziehen, und zu betrügen. Ich veröffentlichte also meine vielen Beweise selber. Mit mega Erfolg. Ich wurde vom "Anwalt der Toten", Mark Roesler, auf 100 Millionen Dollar verklagt, gewann jedoch gegen den CMG Gründer als mein eigener RA. Rechtsanwalt. Es war ein David-gegen- Goliath-gleicher Kampf. Ich konnte mit meinen Beweisen den bis dato größten Ausstellungs-Betrug in der Geschichte anzeigen, beweisen, und auch erfolgreich stoppen. "Marilyn Monroe - The Exhibit" wurde geschlossen, und eine Welt-Tournee abgesagt. Des weiteren bin ich ausgebildeter Schauspieler, Künstler, Autor, Poet, Journalist, Aktivist gegen sexuellen u. physischen Kindesmissbrauch u. Gründer von 'Saturdays for Children' u. von SAW (Sexually Abused Worldwide).
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Posts mit dem Label Robert W. Otto werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 8. Februar 2021

Skip E. Lowe Interview mit Mark Bellinghaus über falsche Marilyn Monroe Ausstellung von Mark Roesler & Robert W. Otto

                                                                 Echt  / Real                           

Der eindeutige Beweis, dass die Ausstellung der beiden Gauner namens Mark Roesler und Robert W. Otto, ein kompletter Betrug an der Öffentlichkeit war. Mark Roesler verlor seine Rechte auf und über Marilyn Monroe, nachdem Mark Bellinghaus beweisen konnte, dass nichts der behaupteten Memorabilia Dinge echt war, also jemals von der Hollywood Legende berührt wurde.

Die Lot von Christie's New York City, welche in 1999 verkauft wurde. Die Mariyn Monroe Hair Curler, teilweise, mit echtem Haar der Film Legende. Einen gesseren Beweis, konnte keiner anführen, als zu beweisen, dass die Clairol Vintage Hair Setter, produziert 1974, also 12 Jahre nach Marilyn Monroe's Tod, ein krimineller Versuch von einer Gruppe von Leuten war, um die Welt zu betrügen.

Das Foto zeigt eine Ausstellungsvitrine im Hollywood Museum, als die echten Lockenwickler mit Absicht ausgestellt wurden, um zu beweisen, dass der Betrug einer zu 100% falschen Marilyn Monroe Ausstellung, niemals Long Beach verlassen dürfte, um eine weitere Stadt und deren Besucher, zu betrügen. Photo Courtesy by Mark Bellinghaus, 2006


                                                       Falsch / Fake

Als Mark Bellinghaus in der Eröffnungsnacht der Ausstellung "MARILYN MONROE - THE EXHIBIT," durch den historischen Ocean Liner, die Queen Mary, in Long Beach, Kalifornien, gemeinsam mit Reporter Robert W. Welkos, schritt, bekam er fast einen Herzinfarkt, als er diese billigen, womöglich bei eBay bestellten elektrischen Lockenwickler sah. Er hatte sofort eine Idee und setzte diese auch in Windeseile um. Zufall wollte, es, dass Bellinghaus und Welkos, noch in der Ausstellungseröffnungs Nacht auch auf Autor Ernset Cunningham stießen, der sich auch lautstark empörte, da er ein schlechtes Gefühl hatte, in Bezug auf die Dinge der er sah. Alles Kitsch, und absolut häßliche, billige Kleidung und fürchterliche Bogus Artikel. So, als wäre Mariln Monroe eine Frau gewesen, die keinen Geschmack gehabt hätte. Die "Unterhosen," welche Otto und Roesler zur Schau stellten, waren fünf Nummern zu groß, und allein für die Frechheit, Lockenwickler von 1974 auszustellen, hätte man Mark Roesler und Robert W. Otto, sofort aus der Stadt jagen müssen, oder in Gewahrsam nehmen müssen. Für einen groß angelegten Betrug!

Am nächsten Tag rief Mark Bellinghaus den Autoren Ernest Cunningham an, und beide sahen, dass der Reporter Welkos, wohl aus Angst er könnte verklagt werden, die Zähne zusammenbiss und keine der Einwände Bellinghaus' abdrucken ließ. Bellinghaus wurde von der LA Times als "Scoffer," als "Zweifler," beschrieben. 

Doch eins hatte Mark Bellinghaus, mit seinem sofortigen Einspruch erreicht. Robert W. Welkos setzte ein Fragezeichen hinter die Überschrift des über Erfolg oder Misserfolg entscheidenden Überschrift des Artikels: 

Now showing: the private life of Marilyn Monroe? - Los ...

11.11.2005 — In a room on the Queen Mary's sun deck is a collection of Monroe dolls (one ... Mark Bellinghaus, a Los Angeles collector who has a house filled with ... furniture and paintings that graced the actress' home at the time of her ...
Und dieses eine kleine Zeichen, war der Anfang vom Ende einer zu 100% falschen Ausstellung, welche um die Welt tingeln sollte, und alle Länder, Kontinente, und deren viele Besucher betrügen sollte. 
Was Mark Bellinghaus, Ernest Cunningham und ein paar Mitstreiter schafften, war den größten Ausstellungs Betrug in der Geschichte gestoppt zu haben. 
Ein Projekt, welches bis heute unerreicht ist, in der Perfidität, der Ausführung, der Kriminalität, auch. 
Mark Bellinghaus arbeitet nun an einem Buch und Film Skript, denn diese Story scheint selber wie gemacht zu sein, für Hollywood. Wo es ja selber auch aus der Taufe gehoben wurde, und wo es, Dank Bellinghaus & Cunningham unglaublich anstrengender Arbeit, auch schnell wieder gestorben ist. 



www.worthpoint.com › worthopedia
MARK BELLINGHAUS shows MARILYN MONROE to SKIP E. LOWE ... Museum, originally known as the Max Factor building for his tv show "Look at Hollywood".
MARK BELLINGHAUS shows MARILYN MONROE to SKIP E. LOWE (Interview on DVD, 30 min.) to watch a promo, please click /mbdvd .html On August 5 th 2006 , the 44 th Anniversary of Marilyn Monroe's death, tv host and Hollywood original Skip E Lowe, interviewed actor, collector, artist, photographer and entrepreneur Mark Bellinghaus at the famous Hollywood Museum, originally known as the Max Factor building for his tv show "Look at Hollywood". You don't have to be Paris Hilton, to enjoy a personal tour through a one of a kind collection that is absolutely authentic and proveably real. Paris Hilton was delighted when she came to visit with her parents and the entire Hilton family was absolutely in awe with this never before displayed collection of personal belongings of Marilyn Monroe. Mark Bellinghaus has many passions: but he is known best for his Marilyn Monroe collection, and his fight against the phonies and charlatans trying to make a quick buck peddling bogus Marilyn stories and memorabilia. Mark's collection was recently on display for four months at the Hollywood Museum , w he gave a guided tour to another Hollywood legend--the colorful Skip E. Lowe, the model for Martin Short's "Jiminy Glick" character seen on TV and recently also in his own Broadway show. The collision of these two energies make for a memorable, fascinating, often hilarious afternoon. Mark shows the hooded white bathing robe that Marilyn wore for a photo session on the beach (the last piece of clothing she wore while alive), and tells Skip: "As I inspected the entire piece for the first time, I looked into the terry cloth pockets, and I could not believe it, t were some sand grains!" Skip asks: " What did you find? Benzedrine?!" This outstanding Marilyn exhibit could be seem as a rebuttal to the shabby affair held on the Queen Mary ocean liner in Long Beach--a bogus exhibit that was denounced, and shut down, largely through the efforts of Mark Bellinghaus. Ironically, that collection was first rejected by the suspicious Hollywood Museum . Mark Roesler--CMG creator and agent/lawyer for the Estate of Marilyn Monroe and Robert W. Otto, both were rejected by the Museum, in which Mark Bellinghaus displayed parts of his Marilyn Monroe collection. Most of the items you are going to see in this interview were never before on public display, ever since the platinum blonde icon passed on. On Mark's guided tour, he gives you the personal stories behind Marilyn's favorite Pucci dresses, the white fur stole she wore on dozens of occasions, publicity photos as for example the shot that was used by the Otto collection as image for the admission tickets--yet, the fur stole was edited out. MM wore this stole prominently in one of her signature movies: "How To Marry A Millionaire"; and when she strolled happily into the movie premiere of her smash hit "The Seven Year Itch" on her 29th birthday in 1955. Holding hands with hubbie Joe DiMaggio. (Also seen on various newsreels). She would wear this "trademark" of Marilyn Monroe in early publicity photos and artist Gottfried Helnwein would use the image of MM hugged by this amazing white fox fur stole, standing next to Humphrey Bogart, for his version of Edward Hopper's "Nighthawks". During the 1990's you could simply not escape this wonderful image. It was hanging literally everyw To look at the stole that was once surrounding the goddess herself, is almost unbelievable. But in this case, it is true. You see poetry books, even the one (Heinrich Heine) that she is holding in her hands while sitting on her bed in her Doheny apartment, which meant more to her than the "bling bling" (as Robert Otto tried to portray Marilyn to us--yet still...


Skip E. Lowe, Talk Show Host and Inspiration for Martin ...

www.hollywoodreporter.com › news
23.09.2014 — Skip E. Lowe, who hosted a weekly talk show for public access cable ... Skip E. Lowe Looks at Hollywood, which debuted in 1978, had the host ...

Obituary: Skip E. Lowe inspired Martin Short's Jiminy Glick ...

www.seattletimes.com › nation-world
25.09.2014 — Lowe, 85, who died Monday of complications from emphysema, did just that. He filmed “Skip E. Lowe Looks at Hollywood” for 36 years, ...


Sonntag, 7. Februar 2021

Taking It on Blond Faith by Robert W. Welkos - Los Angeles Times

Mark Bellinghaus mit Paris Hilton während der Eröffnung seiner Marilyn Monroe Ausstellung (2006) im Hollywood Museum, in Los Angeles. Im Schaukasten hinter den beiden befindet sich die Kleidung, welche, neben vielen anderen persönlichen Gegenständen, wie Kleidung, Möbeln, etc., aus dem Privatbesitz des amerikanischen Superstars, bei der größten Versteigerung von Marilyn Monroe Artefakten von Christie's, 1999, in New York City versteigert wurden.

Der schwarze "Turtleneck Sweater, " den Marilyn Monroe bis zu ihrem viel zu frühen  Lebensende, 1962, besaß, und für ein Foto-Shooting mit Alfred Eisenstaedt, trug. "Dieses Foto gehört zu meinen Lieblings Aufnahmen von Marilyn Monroe. Besonders, als ich mich noch als Sammler engagierte," so Mark Bellinghaus, in einem Statement, im Jahre 2021.


"Im Gegensatz zu dem fürchterlichen Müll, den Robert W. Otto und sein krimineller Sidekick, der immer um Aufmerksamkeit haschende, und von mir persönlich als Lügner entlarvte "Anwalt der Toten," Marilyn Monroe-Denunziant, Mark A. Roesler, welcher auch noch den Nerv hatte mich mit einer 100 Millionen Dollar (!) Klage zu "beglücken," und am Ende sein einträglichstes Zugpferd verlor, war meine Sammlung von Marilyn Monroe Memorabilia zu 100% echt. Mark Roesler ist wie ein blinder, stotternder "Fulture," Geier, dem ich seinen besten Brocken wegnahm! Er kann froh sein, dass ich niemals den Spieß umgedreht habe, und ihn um die Gleiche Summe verklagte! Er schleppte sogar Playboy Herausgeber Hugh Heffner zur Eröffnung dieses Mega Betrugs auf dem historischen Ocean Liner, der Queen Mary, in Long Beach, Kalifornien, mit, nur um die Medien zu blenden. Doch diesen Bluff deckte ich innerhalb weniger Wochen schon auf. ich konnte anhand von Beweisen den ganzen Betrug auffliegen lassen. Es war natürlich ein Kampf, wie David gegen Goliath, und mein Kampf gegen Mark Roesler, endete ebenso, wie der biblische, der historische Kampf, es ebenso, tat! Eigentlich birgt diese Geschichte so viel Potential, man könnte einen wirklich packenden Hollywood Blockbuster draus machen, denn diese Story hält alles, was es für einen Erfolg, benötigt! Mark Roesler ist eine Schande für seinen Berufsstand, für all seine meist schon toten Klienten, und ganz besonders für die USA! Ich habe wirklich keine Ahnung, was Fußball-Legende Lothar Mätthäus dort zu suchen hat, dort tut! Was die Los Angeles Times hier tat war Anti-Journalismus. Sie verhöhnte mich, prüfte niemals meine Beweis-unterstützten Vorwürfe nach, und Robert W. Welkos, der mit mir für Stunden durch Ausstellung am Eröffnungsabend schritt, der von mir eine persönliche Tour der falschen MM Dinge, bekam, verhöhnte mich in seinem unqualifizierten Artikel, als "Scoffer," als Zweifler.Am Ende jedoch, war ich der Sieger."

Mark Bellinghaus, Münster, 07.02.2021

Taking It on Blond Faith - Los Angeles Times

23.03.2006 — Marilyn Monroe's fans spend extravagantly on memorabilia, paying $1.26 million for a dress. ... kept for now by a private collector in “a beautiful apartment” in Manhattan. ... Not so, says Mark Bellinghaus, a Los Angeles-based collector with ... into Otto's collection “the most important mission in my life to date.
“You always have jealous fan club members and collectors who question such things,” Roesler said. “It goes with the territory.”
Mark Roesler, CMG Worldwide, Indianapolis, USA
"Man hat immer eifersüchtige Fans und Sammler, welche diese Dinge in Frage stellen, sagt Roesler. "Es ergibt sich aus dem Territorium."
Damals blieb Mark Roesler keine andere Wahl, als hinter einer, und seiner persönlich unterstützten, und zu 100% falschen Marilyn Monroe Sammlung, welche für 10 Jahre um die Welt ziehen sollte (mindestens), und danauch in einem Museum auf Dauer gezeigt werden sollte. Am Ende habe ich es dennoch geschaft "Marilyn Monroe - the exhibit," zu stoppen. Die geplante Welt Tournee wurde nach meiner nur auf Beweisen beruhenden Anklage gegen Mark Roesler, Robert W. Otto, und all den anderen, die damit zu tun hatten logischerweise gestoppt. Und Mark Roesler verlor seinen erfolgreichsten und überaus einträglichsten Klienten, Marilyn Monroe. Welche von Robert W. Otto als "blonder Bimbo," dargestellt wurde, als Frau, die keinen Geschmack hatte, würde man sie an den Dingen messen, welche Otto, Roesler, und das Team hinter diesem Mega-Betrug, standen, versuchten der Welt zu verkaufen und anzudrehen. 
Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am Besten & Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall! 

Taking It on Blond Faith

Times Staff Writer

Jill Adams of Tujunga, who runs a Marilyn Monroe fan website called forevermarilyn.com, groaned as she recalled the time her mother tried to surprise her with a pair of the late actress’ shoes, size 9.

“Clearly, they weren’t her shoes,” Adams said. “Marilyn wore size 7. The person who sold it to her admitted it wasn’t Marilyn’s size but said her feet sometimes swelled. My mother got taken for over $700.”

If the collectibles market is to be believed, Monroe either signed, wore, owned or saved thousands of items -- clothing, lingerie, jewelry, shoes and hats -- that continue to sell for a pretty penny.

But there are only so many items Monroe could have possibly amassed before she was found dead of a drug overdose at the age of 36 on Aug. 5, 1962. What’s more, Monroe wasn’t much of a clotheshorse, says Ernest W. Cunningham, author of the book “The Ultimate Marilyn.” Despite her glamorous image, Monroe “was known to wear bluejeans and sweatshirts most of the time. When she went to premieres or parties, she would go to the [20th Century] Fox wardrobe department and pick something out,” he said. “If you look at many photos of her at parties, you can recognize the same dresses over and over.”

Allegations of fraud, such as those lodged against a Long Beach exhibit of Monroe memorabilia, rarely get the attention of law enforcement. More often than not, it’s buyer beware in the Wild, Wild West of Marilyn memorabilia.


The allure of Monroe, more than four decades after her death from sleeping pills, is still powerful.

Forbes.com recently published a survey titled “Highest-Earning Dead Celebrities,” which compared the money the celebrities’ estates earn annually from sales of licensed books, recordings, coffee cups, posters and advertisements, among other things. Monroe ranked seventh -- the only woman in the top 13 -- with earnings of more than $8 million a year. Elvis Presley ranks No. 1, at $45 million a year.

The official Monroe website, marilynmonroe.com, has received more than 2 billion hits since its inception about seven years ago, according to those who run the site on behalf of her estate. A signed 9-by-14-inch photo of the actress can command as much as $40,000. And in the last three months of 2005, EBay auctioneers sold more than 35,000 items identified as authentic Monroe memorabilia. By comparison, just over 40,000 Xbox video games -- the Christmas season’s hot toy -- were sold on the site during the same period.

The value of Monroe collectibles skyrocketed in October 1999, sparked by the headline-grabbing sale of the sequined, flesh-colored dress she wore to serenade President Kennedy on his birthday in May 1962, just three months before her death.

The dress came from a trove of authenticated items that had been collecting dust in a Manhattan warehouse for years. They had belonged to her estate, which was inherited by Anna Strasberg from her husband, the late Lee Strasberg, who was Monroe’s acting coach and confidant. Christie’s auction house had placed an estimated value on the items of $2.5 million to $3 million.

Instead, the cache brought in $13 million.

“The market hadn’t seen memorabilia like this,” said Kathleen Guzman, a Christie’s senior vice president at the time. “These were Marilyn’s. These were things she chose to keep and she kept them close to her heart. You can’t put a price tag on some of that stuff.”

New York collector Pete Siegel and a partner bought the sequined dress for $1.26 million. He said it continues to be one of their best investments. “I can tell you we’ve been offered, numerous times, a heck of a lot more than double what we’ve paid for it.” He noted that the dress, which is not for sale, is being kept for now by a private collector in “a beautiful apartment” in Manhattan.

In contrast to the dress, whose authenticity is proved in part by the grainy black-and-white news footage of Monroe wearing it at Kennedy’s birthday bash, much of the memorabilia being bought and sold today requires a leap of faith.

The Internet has been flooded in recent years with items Monroe purportedly left behind while visiting friends and co-workers, including studio hairdresser Sydney Guilaroff; Monroe’s personal makeup man, Allan “Whitey” Snyder; her personal secretary, May Reis; and Elaine Barrymore, the former wife of actor John Barrymore. All are now dead, making it nearly impossible to verify the “certificates of authenticity” that accompany items sold outside the oversight of her estate.

“About seven or eight years ago, items suddenly started appearing from ‘Elaine Barrymore,’ ” recalled Greg Schreiner, an avid collector and a longtime member of the Los Angeles-based Marilyn Remembered fan club. “Clothing, jewelry, shoes, hats. All items that she said Marilyn accidentally left at her home when she was visiting. At first you think, ‘OK, maybe.’ But when it started getting into the 200 and 300 items, you have to go, ‘Wait a minute.... ‘ “

Roslyn Herman, a New York dealer in antique toys, dolls and movie star memorabilia who knew Elaine Barrymore for 17 years, said she was convinced that the items personally auctioned off by Barrymore were authentic but agreed that fakes were now making their way into the market under Barrymore’s signature. “Someone is forging her name,” she said.

There are also questions about the authenticity of hundreds of items said to come from the actress’ foster sister, Eleanor “Bebe” Goddard. Schreiner, who was a close friend of Goddard’s, said he was going through her papers after her death in February 2000 when he discovered letters suggesting that Goddard and a New York collectibles dealer were scheming to sell fake Monroe memorabilia.

In a letter dated April 23, 1996, Goddard advised the dealer to place tissue paper between the folds of a garment and then use a piece of cotton to “very lightly” dab Chanel No. 5 perfume -- reportedly Monroe’s favorite -- on the tissue.

Schreiner said he never told police about his suspicions but said he later confronted the dealer and warned him to stop.

Controversy also surrounds a birthday card Monroe is said to have made for Kennedy. The card, which sold at auction recently for $78,000, includes a 9-by-12-inch watercolor of a long-stemmed red rose. “Happy Birthday Pres. Kennedy from Marilyn Monroe” is scrawled at the bottom of the card in blue ink. But skeptics ask: Why does the card carry two more puzzling inscriptions? In black ink are the words “Happy Birthday, Marilyn,” followed by “June 1, 1962" -- the actress’ birth date -- and “My best wishes, Marilyn.” Could it be the card was actually given to Monroe and the Kennedy inscription was added later, to boost its value?

Darren Julien, whose West Hollywood auction house sold the card, harbors “no doubts whatsoever” about its authenticity. Guzman, the former Christie’s executive, said the card is “an enigmatic piece,” but she confirmed that it came directly from Monroe’s estate and said the signatures were “exactly the same style and signed almost exactly the same way” as other items in the estate.

One of the more unusual items to come on the auction block is a gold Rolex the actress purportedly presented to Kennedy at the 1962 Madison Square Garden gala at which she sang “Happy Birthday, Mr. President.” Stamped in gilt letters on a burgundy red leather cushion at the bottom of the watch case are the words “Happy Birthday Mr. President.” At the bottom of the case was a paper disk with a red, hand-colored border and the following verse:

A Heartfelt Plea

on Your Birthday

Let lovers breathe their sighs

And roses bloom and music


Let passion burn on lips

and eyes

And pleasures merry world

go round

Let golden sunshine flood

the sky



Before the watch was auctioned for $120,000, Bill Panagopulos, founder of Alexander Autographs in Cos Cob, Conn., wrote a detailed account for would-be bidders about the watch’s origin. The watch apparently ended up with Kennedy’s White House aide Kenneth O’Donnell, who is now dead, and later found its way to an English pawnbroker who caters to the rich, according to Panagopulos. The auctioneer disclosed that he had hired a private investigator in an effort to determine if it was a forgery.

“Everything about the watch was right -- the serial number, the engraving, the $5,000 antique gold box it came in,” Panagopulos recalled. “Had the watch had rock-solid provenance, it could easily have sold in excess of $1 million. But with the provenance that was available at the time the watch sold, it still fetched a final price of $120,000 plus premium.” He noted that “nobody has come forward since then to say anything negative about it.”

There are plenty of theories about how to spot an authentic Monroe signature -- and each new one has the potential to spur fraud.

Adams, of forevermarilyn.com, said she was watching the TV show “Antiques Roadshow” a while back when an expert appraiser on the show insisted the actress almost always signed her name in red ink.

“That is absolute rubbish,” Adams said. “The next day on EBay, there were over 50 autographs in red ink of Marilyn Monroe. They cited the ‘Antiques Roadshow.’ It drove us mad.”

Clark Kidder, author of the book “Marilyn Monroe: Cover to Cover,” whose expertise on Monroe’s handwriting is often sought by collectors, said the actress almost always signed her name in black ink. “Occasionally one can be found in red or green or pencil,” he said.

Her signature “evolved as she aged,” Kidder added. “When she was younger, it was real legible and should always have a distinct right slant to it and loopy Ms. The ‘l-y’ in Marilyn almost appears as a figure 8. As she aged, she signed her name in a flurry and a rush.”


There are few ironclad ways to prove that an item belonged to Monroe. Dealers often rely on photos of Monroe wearing a particular piece of clothing or jewelry to help determine whether a piece is authentic. After all, she was one of the world’s most photographed women.

A lack of such photographic evidence became an issue last spring when the Hollywood Entertainment Museum was preparing to showcase an exhibit of Monroe memorabilia owned by Chicago collector Robert W. Otto.

After unpacking the crates, museum president and founder Donelle Dadigan became concerned that the collection did not come with photos.

“I couldn’t put any of the pieces together -- how she would have worn it, where she would have worn it,” Dadigan recalled. The museum also was baffled to find that Monroe’s shoes came in varying sizes, from size 5 1/2 to 8 1/2 .

“That really got us jumping up and down, feeling someone was trying to pull a fast one on us,” said museum attorney George G. Braunstein.

The museum canceled its exhibition, but Otto’s collection moved on to the Queen Mary in Long Beach, where tickets to the Marilyn exhibit go for $22.95 each. The exhibit is open through April 15.

Otto told The Times in November that he doesn’t have many photos to go along with the clothing, jewelry and other accessories that make up the displayed collection because these were not the kinds of items that the actress wore to photo shoots, premieres and parties.

“This is really a private, up-close tour of Marilyn, and it’s kind of devoid of those big, splashy gowns and big movie pieces,” Otto said at the time. “If you look at the stuff, it’s a private collection, a personal collection.”

Otto’s attorney, Richard Harris of Chicago, insisted the collection is authentic and added that he has the documentation to prove it.

Not so, says Mark Bellinghaus, a Los Angeles-based collector with his own Marilyn Monroe memorabilia. He and Cunningham, the author, are equally convinced that some items in the collection are fraudulent. The bulk of it is said to have come from a relative of Monroe’s onetime husband, Joe DiMaggio. But DiMaggio’s longtime attorney, citing the baseball great’s well-known penchant for privacy, said he would have never given away Monroe’s belongings.

Cunningham and Bellinghaus’ suspicions weren’t enough to convince the Long Beach city attorney’s office, which declined to open an investigation of the Queen Mary exhibit. The Long Beach Police Department also turned down a request to look into the matter. (Law enforcement is loath to wade into such controversies. But some experts estimate that as much as 50% to 90% of the $1 billion-a-year memorabilia market involves fraudulent goods.)

Bellinghaus, whose own Monroe collection includes furniture she had purchased for her Brentwood home, said he’s not giving up and calls his investigation into Otto’s collection “the most important mission in my life to date.”

Mark Roesler, chairman and chief executive of CMG Worldwide Inc., the Indianapolis-based company that licenses the names and likenesses of 250 celebrities, including Monroe, said he remains absolutely convinced that Otto’s collection is authentic and has appraised it as being worth $8.75 million. He said he’s not at all surprised by the allegations of fraud.

“You always have jealous fan club members and collectors who question such things,” Roesler said. “It goes with the territory.”

For the record:

12:00 AM, Mar. 26, 2006: For The Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday March 26, 2006 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 0 inches; 30 words Type of Material: Correction
Marilyn Monroe: A Column One in Thursday’s Section A said the museum that canceled an exhibit of Marilyn Monroe collectibles was the Hollywood Entertainment Museum. It was the Hollywood Museum.


Link zu interessantem Pressebericht, welchen ich in meiner Not selber veröffentlichen musste, unter meinem Geburtsnamen, da keine der Zeitungen, und andern Medien, mir Glauben schenken wollte, dass die so von allen Medien, im Vorfeld der Ausstellung, "MARILYN MONROE - THE EXHIBIT," ein kompletter und wirklich schandwürdiger Betrug war, da er vom "Estate of Marilyn Monroe, selber, unterstützt wurde! Anna Strasberg selber hatte ihre Finger in diesem Vorhaben. Ein Fakt der eigentlich unglaublich erscheint. Da sie von mir und anderen Sammlern viel Geld bekommen, und auch eingesteckt hatte. 



Robert W. Otto, der "Collector," der an seiner eigenen Dummheit und dem Kitsch, den er hinter Glas, als Marilyn Monroe's "persönliche Kleidung," und Gegenstände präsentierte, krachend scheiterte. Durch meine Beweis-unterstützte und bis ins Detail dokumentierte Veranschaulichung eines Mega-Betrugs, verschwand dieser Mann für immer von der Bildfläche, so wie er erschien. Denn keiner der weltweit bekannten Sammler, hatten jemals vorher, von diesem Betrüger gehört. 

Ein weiterer Scharlatan, der wie ein Vampier, vom Ruhm einer tragisch gestorbenen Ikone, profitieren wollte. Bis er von mir gestoppt wurde. Robert W. Otto hat das Image und den Ruf von Marilyn Monroe missbraucht, und ist nun nichts weiteres als ein "Witz," etwas, was Marilyn Monroe während ihres kurzen Lebens, von nur 36 Jahren, niemals sein wollte.


Dienstag, 2. Februar 2021

Mark Roesler: Marilyn Monroe's licensing lawyer got caught---the rise and fall of one of America's most famous lawyers!

Mark Roesler: Marilyn Monroe's licensing lawyer got caught---the rise and fall of one of America's most famous lawyers!

Marilyn Monroe estate lawyer Mark Roesler, Hugh Hefner, Robert Otto, June Alpino aka June DiMaggio, Mary Jane Popp from right to left. At the famous press opening for 'Marilyn Monroe--the exhibit,' the biggest media prank in the history of television and film. 
Courtesty of Mark Bellinghaus
Marilyn Monroe estate lawyer Mark Roesler, Hugh Hefner, Robert Otto, June Alpino aka June DiMaggio, Mary Jane Popp from right to left. At the famous press opening for 'Marilyn Monroe--the exhibit,' the biggest media prank in the history of television and film. Courtesty of Mark Bellinghaus
2006-11-29 00:41:12 - Mark Roesler, 51 made it from roofer in his own business, to super rich and powerful, within a few decades. He has three offices world wide. He created his famous 'rules for success,' yet he was caught by a sincere and passionate Marilyn Monroe collector. Mark Bellinghaus stopped the rise of former OJ Simpson civil case expert witness Mark Roesler, and turned it into the biggest scandal in exhibition history, ever.

By Hans Siegfried Schmidt
Mark Roesler is hit, like a fighter plane in the air, spinning out of control and trying to avoid a crash. He was caught by the world's biggest expert on Marilyn Monroe memorabilia.
During my last interview with Mr. Bellinghaus, I discovered a story behind the story so to speak. The exhibit fraud, that now is

awaiting it's trial on May 7, 2007 is one scandal. The other one is what kind of people have supported and initiated it, and literally tried to sell it to the public.
The 'all in one-package deal' did not work this time. The scandal is unheard of in exhibition history and it seems to be the biggest - ever.
Mark Roesler is connected to the who's who of entertainment. He is also a lawyer of Hugh Hefner. www.cmgworldwide.com/offices/la.html But that wasn't mentioned when Mr. Roesler conducted a helpful interview with Mr. Hefner, last year, in order to get more attention to one of his latest creations. 'Marilyn Monroe--the exhibit,' the now failed and stopped for good, and outed as a total hoax exhibit, started out in Mark Roesler's office building in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Mark Roesler was greeting arriving guests in person. He would shake hands and invite the many invited people into his office building, where the Marilyn Monroe exhibit idea was literally born. www.cmgworldwide.com/offices/indy.html
Mr. Bellinghaus stated, that he witnessed Mr. Robert W. Otto, a Chicago based self proclaimed Monroe historian, who is now also awaiting his trial for fraud charges, in the company of Mark Roesler, the Marilyn Monroe estate lawyer, head of his own company, the CMG in Indianapolis.
He would win a Marilyn Monroe wig, but lost out on Marilyn Monroe's piano. If you read and follow the auction rules, Mr. Roesler, as he is literally connected with the owner of the estate of Marilyn Monroe, Anna Strasberg. One could argue that this was a clear case of shill bidding. He drove up the bids, on items which he, himself was getting paid for. That is shill bidding.
But this is the smaller crime which Mark Roesler has been caught in committing. It does not take a genius to put one and one together, as Roesler and Otto were seen in public together. There are many witnesses and this automatically suggests, that the fraud exhibit was planed for at least five years. June DiMaggio was created as the 'authenticity' of over 90% of the fakes on display and her book, which is a joke in the Marilyn Monroe community already, is just another try to screw the public with a vicious flood of lies.
Bellinghaus tried to warn the public, but after book project manager Ken Knoll, Mary Jane Popp and her lawyer Christine Craft protested to amazon.com, the entire comments were removed from the famous book site. Sounds familiar? Yes, indeed, as Mr. Bellinghaus was able to find the most outrageous proof for fraud. The 1974 Clairol hair rollers were also pulled from the running exhibition, in March 2006, three months prior to the exhibit's closing. But the fact that they were gone, made the whole scandal even more obvious. This is how it now looks in terms of June DiMaggio's 'memoir.'
Mark Roesler is still backing up June Alpino, as this lady was never officially adopted. She named herself simply 'DiMaggio,' to get more attention.
Her 'uncle Joe,' as she refers to baseball great Joe DiMaggio, was never her real uncle, not even by adoption.
But that does not stop Mark Roesler to support and stand behind the most ridiculous book scandal since James Frey's 'A Million Little Pieces.'
It is getting even better, as he is still showing an interview on his website, which was taped right after the press opening on the Queen Mary.
Watch this with the knowledge what they really knew and what they tried to get away with. Mary Jane Popp, an informercial actress, who self published 'Marilyn, Joe & Me," with the help of her partner Mr. Erick Sprunger, is the author of said book.
June DiMaggio's book was put on hold, after Mr. Bellinghaus spilled out facts and proof against it, on his first blog on blogcritics.org.
The success of this blog alone should prove to all of us, that one single voice really can make a difference, if it is strong and passionate, and supported by hard evidence.
Mark Bellinghaus did the smartest move anybody can think of; he simply purchased the domain names of all the fraudsters involved and linked them to his website www.MMfraud.com, which he created. He simply created an exposure of the fraud. Mr. Bellinghaus, who also is a guest lecturer at University Of Southern California on Marilyn Monroe, and worked with Christie's NYC for many years, does a detailed and absolutely telling demonstration via his website. He comapes the real Marilyn Monroe items, with the fakes. It is simple to understand for anybody. It worked. This was a never before seen method to expose an estimated $100 million dollar fraud, as Roesler and partners were about to tour the world for the next twelve years, and they made in admission fees in Long Beach, CA alone ca. $1.5 million dollars. But Mark Roesler has many items to sell. 'He turned Marilyn Monroe into a cheap bag-lady!' Bellinghaus fumes again, during our interview.

Mark Roesler sued Mark Bellinghaus in an attempt to get hold of the domain of www.MarkARoesler.com, but that lawsuit was dismissed, right before Mr. Roesler was sued himself, when the biggest lawsuit in terms of fraudulent belongings hit the news, one day before the icon's birthday, on June 1, 2006.
Mr. Bellinghaus offered a fair trade. He let Roesler's lawyer know that he would trade the domain name for the Marilyn Monroe wig, that Roesler bought in 1999 at his client's auction at Christie's. The answer showed the real face that lures behind the always suit wearing lawyer: He simply used the "F" word as a response to the shocked collector, Mark Bellinghaus.
MB: "Talking about "Kramer' Michael Richards, and his use of the "N' word, when this star lawyer is using the 'F'-you words?! How about that?'

Mark Roesler had a chance to disconnect himself from the exhibit fraud, after their idea was rejected by the Hollywood Museum in mid 2005. He wrote a letter, and signed it personally, which states, that the Robert Otto collection is authentic and worth $8.75 million dollars. A list that was used to insure the collection puts a suggested value three hundred thousand dollars alone, for the 1974 (Monroe died in 1962!) plastic hair curlers, which Bellinghaus was able to buy on eBay for $7,99.

When the items arrived and were unpacked, four pairs of claimed Monroe shoes were compared and the staff of the museum was shocked, as the each and every pair of the shoes was a different size.

Yet Mark Roesler believed in his exhibit and would not go back to Indianapolis and let go of his friend Robert W. Otto. He would push the fake exhibit onto the Queen Mary and act as the authenticator and also as one of the official sponsors of the exhibit. He would not speak to reporters for months, when he was accused by Bellinghaus in his first blog.
He now is trying to disconnect himself from the lawsuit, that also was filed against him.

There are written interviews in existence, which link him directly to the exhibit fraud, as he would use some money from the proceeds for the first opening stunt in Indianapolis, to dedicate a room in a hospital in honor of his dead sister. This is were Mark Bellinghaus noticed, that Roesler had a middle name. He saw the "A" on the big golden plaque, that Roesler had installed on the rooms wall, with his own name on the palque. Mr. Bellinghaus checked the availability immediately and the domain wasn't taken.
Did after all, Marilyn Monroe have to do with all these strange coincidences and accidences, too?
One may easily believe so, as the media spectacle was bigger than the Oscars, in a town where entertainment was born. But they all have been pranked. By Mark Roesler, Robert Otto, Mary Jane Popp, June Alpino aka June DiMaggio and of course Anna Strasberg, who is watching the ongoings from the background and must have given her okay for the biggest insult on all of us. Not only the Marilyn Monroe fans.
Mark Roesler is padding his own shoulder for what he did in the OJ Simpson case. He was able to make $25 million dollars for the Goldman family. Only problem is: they have not received a penny from that amount in over ten years.

Mr. Roesler is trying to impress, an old rule in Hollywood, where Marilyn and James Dean were reigning for just a short period of time. Roesler is playing on his website a speech, that was taped in May of 2005. After the opening of the first exhibit fraud and before the second one. He talkes about his childhood and the stars. We are almost reminded of Mary Jane Popp's and June DiMaggio's portrayal of Marilyn Monroe. Pathetic and fake. He sounds, as Bellinghaus nooticed on onother blog article he wrote, as if he is about to accept a lifetime achievement award. He is offering himself on said website as a speaker for events. Bellinghaus was laughing about this idea, of having Mr. Roesler come to your home and talk about his fake collection he supported as a sponsor. He says: "Roesler and June DiMaggio are the clear contender of the freakiest and the most obvious scam--seasond with sweet talk and bad acting abilities. It was hard to watch Roesler's speech for the entire time. He seems to be nervous and uncomfortable and you can feel that. "You ain't seen nothing yet' by Bachman turner Overdrive was really the best choice, as the first lyrics say:
I met a devil woman, she took my heart away
She said I had it comin' to me, but I wanted it that way
I think that any love is good lovin'
And so I took what I could get, mmm
Oooh, oooh, she looked at me with big brown eyes
And said

You ain't seen nothin' yet
B-B-B-Baby, you just ain't seen nothin' yet
Here's something that you never gonna forget
B-B-B-Baby, you just ain't seen nothin' yet

Roesler's 'devil woman' in Bellinghaus' opinion is clearly Anna Strasberg.

When Mark Roesler's quote was printed in the Los Angeles Times, he literally outed himself as the most arrogant and the most despicalbe person in this business. He insulted Marilyn Monroe fans from around the world and also tried to shoot directly at Mr. Bellinghaus, as he mentioned the collectors. But this shut backfired into his own face. His gun did not work and now he is exposed in full to the public.
Mr. Bellinghaus pointed out more details about this man, who should look for a new territory himsel;f, as he will not be able to keep any credibility.
A simple, but outrageous statement at the end of Robert W. Welkos' interview--it turned into the end of Mark Roesler's career.
Maybe it is time for Mr. Roesler to create new 'Rules For Success,' www.markroesler.com/rules/index.htm as Mr. Bellinghaus wrote on his blog, that he is missing the most important one: Be honest.

LA TIMES, March 23, 2006:
Mark Roesler, chairman and chief executive of CMG Worldwide Inc., the Indianapolis-based company that licenses the names and likenesses of 250 celebrities, including Monroe, said he remains absolutely convinced that Otto's collection is authentic and has appraised it as being worth $8.75 million. He said he's not at all surprised by the allegations of fraud.

"You always have jealous fan club members and collectors who question such things," Roesler said. "It goes with the territory."

After the recent Michael Richards scandal, the actor apologized in person and on tv the very next day. But a year has gone by and the biggest fraud in the history has been stopped, will be in court in lest than six months. But Mark Roesler has failed to apologize to the fans of Marilyn Monroe. He insulted all of us and he shoud instead of airing a pathetic and over the edge bad speech, that is 19 months old o top of that, air an apology for his action he has been caught in. Or this will really be the end of the estate of Marilyn Monroe, as we know it. As we accepted it for way too long.

Contact Information:
Hans Siegfried Schmidt

Contact Person:
Mr. Schmidt
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