Ich bewerbe mich offiziell als Annette Kurschus Nachfolger, weil ich es tun muss. AMEN

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Münster, NRW, Germany
Von Fernseh-, Film-, Theater- Haupt-,und Nebenrollen, war so ziemlich alles dabei. 1995 wanderte ich in die USA aus, um mich zu "finden." Was mir Gott sei Dank auch tatsächlich gelang. Im April 2006 veröffentlichte ich meinen ersten Blog in den USA, bei blogcritics, da mir die renommierte LOS ANGELES TIMES nicht glauben wollte, dass eine zu 100% falsche Marilyn Monroe Ausstellung auf dem Weg war, für 12 Jahre um die Welt zu ziehen, und zu betrügen. Ich veröffentlichte also meine vielen Beweise selber. Mit mega Erfolg. Ich wurde vom "Anwalt der Toten", Mark Roesler, auf 100 Millionen Dollar verklagt, gewann jedoch gegen den CMG Gründer als mein eigener RA. Rechtsanwalt. Es war ein David-gegen- Goliath-gleicher Kampf. Ich konnte mit meinen Beweisen den bis dato größten Ausstellungs-Betrug in der Geschichte anzeigen, beweisen, und auch erfolgreich stoppen. "Marilyn Monroe - The Exhibit" wurde geschlossen, und eine Welt-Tournee abgesagt. Des weiteren bin ich ausgebildeter Schauspieler, Künstler, Autor, Poet, Journalist, Aktivist gegen sexuellen u. physischen Kindesmissbrauch u. Gründer von 'Saturdays for Children' u. von SAW (Sexually Abused Worldwide).
Posts mit dem Label Hoax werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Hoax werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 8. Februar 2021

Skip E. Lowe Interview mit Mark Bellinghaus über falsche Marilyn Monroe Ausstellung von Mark Roesler & Robert W. Otto

                                                                 Echt  / Real                           

Der eindeutige Beweis, dass die Ausstellung der beiden Gauner namens Mark Roesler und Robert W. Otto, ein kompletter Betrug an der Öffentlichkeit war. Mark Roesler verlor seine Rechte auf und über Marilyn Monroe, nachdem Mark Bellinghaus beweisen konnte, dass nichts der behaupteten Memorabilia Dinge echt war, also jemals von der Hollywood Legende berührt wurde.

Die Lot von Christie's New York City, welche in 1999 verkauft wurde. Die Mariyn Monroe Hair Curler, teilweise, mit echtem Haar der Film Legende. Einen gesseren Beweis, konnte keiner anführen, als zu beweisen, dass die Clairol Vintage Hair Setter, produziert 1974, also 12 Jahre nach Marilyn Monroe's Tod, ein krimineller Versuch von einer Gruppe von Leuten war, um die Welt zu betrügen.

Das Foto zeigt eine Ausstellungsvitrine im Hollywood Museum, als die echten Lockenwickler mit Absicht ausgestellt wurden, um zu beweisen, dass der Betrug einer zu 100% falschen Marilyn Monroe Ausstellung, niemals Long Beach verlassen dürfte, um eine weitere Stadt und deren Besucher, zu betrügen. Photo Courtesy by Mark Bellinghaus, 2006


                                                       Falsch / Fake

Als Mark Bellinghaus in der Eröffnungsnacht der Ausstellung "MARILYN MONROE - THE EXHIBIT," durch den historischen Ocean Liner, die Queen Mary, in Long Beach, Kalifornien, gemeinsam mit Reporter Robert W. Welkos, schritt, bekam er fast einen Herzinfarkt, als er diese billigen, womöglich bei eBay bestellten elektrischen Lockenwickler sah. Er hatte sofort eine Idee und setzte diese auch in Windeseile um. Zufall wollte, es, dass Bellinghaus und Welkos, noch in der Ausstellungseröffnungs Nacht auch auf Autor Ernset Cunningham stießen, der sich auch lautstark empörte, da er ein schlechtes Gefühl hatte, in Bezug auf die Dinge der er sah. Alles Kitsch, und absolut häßliche, billige Kleidung und fürchterliche Bogus Artikel. So, als wäre Mariln Monroe eine Frau gewesen, die keinen Geschmack gehabt hätte. Die "Unterhosen," welche Otto und Roesler zur Schau stellten, waren fünf Nummern zu groß, und allein für die Frechheit, Lockenwickler von 1974 auszustellen, hätte man Mark Roesler und Robert W. Otto, sofort aus der Stadt jagen müssen, oder in Gewahrsam nehmen müssen. Für einen groß angelegten Betrug!

Am nächsten Tag rief Mark Bellinghaus den Autoren Ernest Cunningham an, und beide sahen, dass der Reporter Welkos, wohl aus Angst er könnte verklagt werden, die Zähne zusammenbiss und keine der Einwände Bellinghaus' abdrucken ließ. Bellinghaus wurde von der LA Times als "Scoffer," als "Zweifler," beschrieben. 

Doch eins hatte Mark Bellinghaus, mit seinem sofortigen Einspruch erreicht. Robert W. Welkos setzte ein Fragezeichen hinter die Überschrift des über Erfolg oder Misserfolg entscheidenden Überschrift des Artikels: 

Now showing: the private life of Marilyn Monroe? - Los ...

11.11.2005 — In a room on the Queen Mary's sun deck is a collection of Monroe dolls (one ... Mark Bellinghaus, a Los Angeles collector who has a house filled with ... furniture and paintings that graced the actress' home at the time of her ...
Und dieses eine kleine Zeichen, war der Anfang vom Ende einer zu 100% falschen Ausstellung, welche um die Welt tingeln sollte, und alle Länder, Kontinente, und deren viele Besucher betrügen sollte. 
Was Mark Bellinghaus, Ernest Cunningham und ein paar Mitstreiter schafften, war den größten Ausstellungs Betrug in der Geschichte gestoppt zu haben. 
Ein Projekt, welches bis heute unerreicht ist, in der Perfidität, der Ausführung, der Kriminalität, auch. 
Mark Bellinghaus arbeitet nun an einem Buch und Film Skript, denn diese Story scheint selber wie gemacht zu sein, für Hollywood. Wo es ja selber auch aus der Taufe gehoben wurde, und wo es, Dank Bellinghaus & Cunningham unglaublich anstrengender Arbeit, auch schnell wieder gestorben ist. 



www.worthpoint.com › worthopedia
MARK BELLINGHAUS shows MARILYN MONROE to SKIP E. LOWE ... Museum, originally known as the Max Factor building for his tv show "Look at Hollywood".
MARK BELLINGHAUS shows MARILYN MONROE to SKIP E. LOWE (Interview on DVD, 30 min.) to watch a promo, please click /mbdvd .html On August 5 th 2006 , the 44 th Anniversary of Marilyn Monroe's death, tv host and Hollywood original Skip E Lowe, interviewed actor, collector, artist, photographer and entrepreneur Mark Bellinghaus at the famous Hollywood Museum, originally known as the Max Factor building for his tv show "Look at Hollywood". You don't have to be Paris Hilton, to enjoy a personal tour through a one of a kind collection that is absolutely authentic and proveably real. Paris Hilton was delighted when she came to visit with her parents and the entire Hilton family was absolutely in awe with this never before displayed collection of personal belongings of Marilyn Monroe. Mark Bellinghaus has many passions: but he is known best for his Marilyn Monroe collection, and his fight against the phonies and charlatans trying to make a quick buck peddling bogus Marilyn stories and memorabilia. Mark's collection was recently on display for four months at the Hollywood Museum , w he gave a guided tour to another Hollywood legend--the colorful Skip E. Lowe, the model for Martin Short's "Jiminy Glick" character seen on TV and recently also in his own Broadway show. The collision of these two energies make for a memorable, fascinating, often hilarious afternoon. Mark shows the hooded white bathing robe that Marilyn wore for a photo session on the beach (the last piece of clothing she wore while alive), and tells Skip: "As I inspected the entire piece for the first time, I looked into the terry cloth pockets, and I could not believe it, t were some sand grains!" Skip asks: " What did you find? Benzedrine?!" This outstanding Marilyn exhibit could be seem as a rebuttal to the shabby affair held on the Queen Mary ocean liner in Long Beach--a bogus exhibit that was denounced, and shut down, largely through the efforts of Mark Bellinghaus. Ironically, that collection was first rejected by the suspicious Hollywood Museum . Mark Roesler--CMG creator and agent/lawyer for the Estate of Marilyn Monroe and Robert W. Otto, both were rejected by the Museum, in which Mark Bellinghaus displayed parts of his Marilyn Monroe collection. Most of the items you are going to see in this interview were never before on public display, ever since the platinum blonde icon passed on. On Mark's guided tour, he gives you the personal stories behind Marilyn's favorite Pucci dresses, the white fur stole she wore on dozens of occasions, publicity photos as for example the shot that was used by the Otto collection as image for the admission tickets--yet, the fur stole was edited out. MM wore this stole prominently in one of her signature movies: "How To Marry A Millionaire"; and when she strolled happily into the movie premiere of her smash hit "The Seven Year Itch" on her 29th birthday in 1955. Holding hands with hubbie Joe DiMaggio. (Also seen on various newsreels). She would wear this "trademark" of Marilyn Monroe in early publicity photos and artist Gottfried Helnwein would use the image of MM hugged by this amazing white fox fur stole, standing next to Humphrey Bogart, for his version of Edward Hopper's "Nighthawks". During the 1990's you could simply not escape this wonderful image. It was hanging literally everyw To look at the stole that was once surrounding the goddess herself, is almost unbelievable. But in this case, it is true. You see poetry books, even the one (Heinrich Heine) that she is holding in her hands while sitting on her bed in her Doheny apartment, which meant more to her than the "bling bling" (as Robert Otto tried to portray Marilyn to us--yet still...


Skip E. Lowe, Talk Show Host and Inspiration for Martin ...

www.hollywoodreporter.com › news
23.09.2014 — Skip E. Lowe, who hosted a weekly talk show for public access cable ... Skip E. Lowe Looks at Hollywood, which debuted in 1978, had the host ...

Obituary: Skip E. Lowe inspired Martin Short's Jiminy Glick ...

www.seattletimes.com › nation-world
25.09.2014 — Lowe, 85, who died Monday of complications from emphysema, did just that. He filmed “Skip E. Lowe Looks at Hollywood” for 36 years, ...


Samstag, 6. Februar 2021

Now showing: the private life of Marilyn Monroe?


Von Mark Bellinghaus

Als ich im Oktober, 2005, den Anruf von Los Angeles Staff Writer Robert W. Welkos, erhielt, mit der Bitte von ihm für eine der bekanntesten und renomiertesten Tageszeitungen interviewt zu werden, fühlte ich mich zuerst etwas geehrt, bzw. dachte mir, dass es ein großes Kompliment sei, als Sammler von Marilyn Monroe Memorabilia, (Artefakten). Was dann jedoch folgte, war eine der enttäuschensten Erfahrungen, die ich mit einem Journalisten jemals gemacht habe. 

Das Fragezeichen, in der Überschrift, war die einzige Indikation dafür war, dass etwas nicht ganz so sein konnte, wie es alle Medien, alle Kanäle, alle anderen Print Medien erwarteten. Eine "einmalige Sammlung," mit niemals vorher gesehenen Stücken, aus dem Leben der Film Ikone Marilyn Monroe. 

Aber, wie konnte das denn sein, nach der bisher größten und bei weitem unfassbarsten Versteigerung vom privaten Besitz Monroe's. 

(to be continued)


Now showing: the private life of Marilyn Monroe? - Los ...

11.11.2005 — Other items from “Marilyn Monroe: The Exhibit,” which goes on display ... gave The Times a preview of the collection this week that included a visit to the ... Mark Bellinghaus, a Los Angeles collector who has a house filled with ...



Weiter Artikel in der Los Angeles Times die mich in Bezug auf Marilyn Monroe nannten:

05.06.2005 — As a black-and-white tweed skirt and a moth-eaten wool turtleneck appeared on the monitor, Mark Bellinghaus sprang into action Saturday at ...

Taking It on Blond Faith - Los Angeles Times

https://www.latimes.com › archives
23.03.2006 — Not so, says Mark Bellinghaus, a Los Angeles-based collector with his own Marilyn Monroe memorabilia. He and Cunningham, the author, are ...

Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2021

Lob & Anerkennung für meine Arbeit vom weltweit führenden "Skeptic," Michael Shermer, USA

"If you want to read the anatomy of a hoax, check out Mark Bellinghaus’ extensive article. He’s a first rate skeptical investigator of all things Marilyn."

Michael Shermer

World leading Skeptic, publisher of "Sceptic Magazine," USA


Fotokollage by Mark Bellinghaus, Copyright 2008

von Mark Bellinghaus

 Liebe Leserin, Lieber Leser,

worauf ich wirklich stolz bin, ist die Tatsache, dass der große Michael Shermer mich in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, in seinem Print-, und auch seinem online Magazin, gelobt und gewürdigt hat, für meine überaus detailierte, und so umfassend nur auf Beweisen beruhenden Arbeit. 

Und das nicht nur einmal, sondern gleich zweimal! 

Link zu Michael Shermers Wikipedia Seite auf Deutsch

Meiner überaus anstrengenden, Kräfte verzehrenden und viel Geld verbrauchenden Recherche, RA Kosten und und und.

Ein besonders großes Lob, vom weltweit bekanntesten, und vor allem anerkanntesten Skeptiker, Mr. Michael Shermer, gab es, für meine Leistung, den Produzenten der Fernseh Serie "Ghost Whisperer," einer unglaublich dummen Lüge zu überführen. Viele kennen diesen Mann auch als sogenannten  "Psychic," welcher jahrzehntelang sein Unwesen trieb und die Leute Wortwörtlich für dumm verkauft hat!  James van Praagh, als kompletten Lügener und Betrüger zu entlarven, nur mit, und nur anhand eines schlagenden Beweises. 

Das war in der Tat etwas, auf das man stolz sein kann. 

Daher heißt dieser Blog auch "B wie Beweis."

Dies war die 1. Story, die Mr. Michael Shermer, nach meiner Enthüllung auf blogcritics im Jahre 2005, veröffentliche:

27.04.2006 — In this lecture, Michael Shermer will discuss belief in weird things, intelligent ... of Mark Bellinghaus' skeptical critique of the Marilyn Monroe Exhibit (including ... Bellinghaus, widely regarded as a Marilyn Monroe expert, owns one of the ... that opened November 11, 2005, on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, ...


 e skeptic, April, 27, 2006

Debunking a Marilyn Monroe Exhibit

In this week’s eSkeptic we reprint part of Mark Bellinghaus’ skeptical critique of the Marilyn Monroe Exhibit (including a brief debunking of the psychic James Van Praagh) that opened in Long Beach, California in November 2005. Bellinghaus, widely regarded as a Marilyn Monroe expert, owns one of the most extensive and comprehensive Marilyn Monroe collections in the world.

Marilyn Monroe with husband Joe DiMaggio (photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt)

Marilyn Monroe with husband Joe DiMaggio (photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt)

Marilyn Monroe’s Memory
Defrauded in Long Beach

The Truth Is Here

by Mark Bellinghaus

Did you see that psychic on Entertainment Tonight in December, James Van Praagh? He had one of Marilyn Monroe’s hair curlers — it even had a Marilyn hair on it — and this guy was listening to Marilyn talk to him right on the air. Spooky!

Those curlers are a highlight of “Marilyn Monroe, The Exhibit,” a display that opened November 11, 2005, on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California, advertised as the largest private collection of Marilyn memorabilia ever assembled, a collection with the claimed worth of $10 million dollars.

But I have a small problem with those hair curlers: it took only the briefest internet research and a call to Clairol to establish that they were first manufactured in 1974. Marilyn passed away in 1962. I wonder which dead blonde Van Praagh was talking to.

The hair curlers are not authentic and that “$10 million” exhibit isn’t worth more than $25–$30 thousand. The people behind the exhibit are not telling the truth.

The principals in this story are:

  • Robert W. Otto, 56, President of Marilyn Monroe Exhibits;
  • Mark Roesler, 50, head and founder of CMG licensing;
  • June Dimaggio, 82, who claims to be a niece of Joe DiMaggio and a close friend of Marilyn;
  • Mary Jane Popp, 55 (?), actress, infomercial and radio host, she is helping June write her story;
  • Hugh Hefner, 79, Mr. Playboy, he gives credit to Marilyn for his magazine’s success, but threw her to the wolves.

Let’s begin with the most outrageous character, June DiMaggio. Who is she? The last name itself generates interest and memories of the sweet past, the Yankee Clipper, Simon & Garfunkel’s “Mrs. Robinson.” But now I want to change the famous lyric of the latter to “Where have you come from, June DiMaggio?” She appeared out of nowhere, joining the media circus without explaining where she was hiding while her legendary uncle Joe was alive.

CBS is reportedly planning a 48 Hours special on Marilyn Monroe this month, supposedly with June DiMaggio, and we look forward to the funny but absurd little stories she seems to have dreamed up and written down in her fictional “memoir,” Marilyn, Joe and Me!, her “what if?” journal …

READ the entire article > 

dieser Link (oben) funktioniert nicht mehr, da Mark Roesler, per gerichtlicher Anordnung eine weitere und für ihn auch geschäftlich schädigende Wirkung verhindern wollte. Er hat sich des Betruges bewieserermaßen schuldig gemacht, und er hat durch meinen Mut Marilyn Monroe, als seinen größten "Goldesel," ever, für immer verloren. Das ist die offizielle Version. Aber unter dem Tisch, so glaube ich, und das ist auch meine Meinung, arbeitet er schon längst wieder mit der gierigen Anna Strasberg, zusammen. 



Dies war die 2. Story, die Mr. Michael Shermer über meine Findungen veröffentlichte:

Skeptic » eSkeptic » October 1, 2008

www.skeptic.com › eskeptic

01.10.2008 — In this week's eSkeptic, Mark Bellinghaus, a first rate skeptical ... conference reminder: ORIGINS — the BIG Questions; in the media: Was Vanity Fair Hoaxed? feedback: Dawkins & Shermer Hate Mail ... of a Marilyn Monroe hoax perpetrated at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California ... —Michael Shermer ...


 e skeptic, October 1, 2008

Was Vanity Fair Hoaxed
in its Marilyn Monroe Cover Story?

Vanit Fair Cover (Oct 2008)

Vanity Fair cover (October 2008)

Two years ago we reported on the brilliant exposé by Mark Bellinghaus of a Marilyn Monroe hoax perpetrated at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California, where included in a display of the movie star’s personal items were hair curlers. As Bellinghaus reported, famed psychic James Van Praagh used those curlers (and the blond hair in them) to make contact with Marilyn, and he even carried on a conversation with her on the national television show Entertainment Tonight. Well, Bellinghaus tracked down the origin of those curlers through their maker, Clairol. It turns out that those curlers were first manufactured in 1974, twelve years after Marilyn died, so it would be interesting to know just who Van Praagh was talking to! Perhaps there are Marilyn Monroe impersonators on the other side as well.

Psychics are not the only ones trying to cash in on Marilyn’s irresistible fame. Last April a news story broke about a newly surfaced Marilyn Monroe sex tape (what else?), which was also swiftly debunked by Mark Bellinghaus as yet another fake.


Mark Bellinghaus’ parody of the
Vanity Fair cover

Marilyn is back in the news this month as Vanity Fair magazine featured her on their October cover in honor of their 25th anniversary issue, offering a potpourri of personal papers and items that promises readers will unlock the 45-year old “Marilyn Monroe mystery.” One such pictured item is Marilyn’s personal typewriter, on which she allegedly fingered letters to the rich and famous, which immediately set off Bellinghaus’s baloney detection alarm — Marilyn Monroe couldn’t type!

This is just one of numerous fakes and mistakes that Bellinghaus says are comparable to what Clifford Irving did when he faked Howard Hughes artifacts in order to sell his authorized biography of the billionaire to the McGraw Hill publishing company for one million dollars.

If you want to read the anatomy of a hoax, check out Mark Bellinghaus’ extensive article. He’s a first rate skeptical investigator of all things Marilyn. For my money, the real “Marilyn Monroe Mystery” is why people won’t let this tragic woman R.I.P.

—Michael Shermer

Dienstag, 2. Februar 2021

Marilyn Monroe and The Los Angeles Times - a year of shame and disgust!

Advertisement in the Los Angeles Times, which promised 'Up Close and Personal' to the fraud, that is. Robert Welkos knew all along that there were over 90% fakes on display, but he did nothing at all to stop it.
Advertisement in the Los Angeles Times, which promised 'Up Close and Personal' to the fraud, that is. Robert Welkos knew all along that there were 100% fakes on display, but he did nothing at all to stop it.
By Hans Siegfried Schmidt
 2006-11-27 16:27:24 - The newspaper could have shut down the exhibit - why didn't it?
The Los Angeles Times could have prevented an expensive and fraudulent exhibit!
Was the Los Angeles Times paid to cover up the truth about a fraudulent exhibit?
Are there scandals hiding behind the scandals in the Queen Mary exhibit?
A true scandal of possible corruption to sell advertisement space and let the readers for seven months pay to see the biggest fraud in exhibition history, ever.

The phony 'Marilyn Monroe: The Exhibit- was dumped on the Queen Maryand an unsuspecting publicjust over a year ago.

Robert Welkos, entertainment staff writer for The Los Angeles Times, was at the press opening in the company of Mark Bellinghaus, a Marilyn authority and major collector. At great length, Mark clued the reporter in to the deception (even

inviting him to see his personal collection in his home).
 But the attempts to educate Robert Welkos resulted in a reference in a Times story to 'some fans who scoff at the collection.- And there was a later reference to 'jealous fans.- For the record, Bellinghaus didn't scoff, he raged.
www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-et-monroe23mar23,1,5106364 ..

There's talk that media mogul David Geffen is planning to buy The Los Angeles Times, and it can't happen a moment too soonStop them before they shame themselves again!
Mark Bellinghaus and friends fought for a year to bring legal attention to the scam on the Queen Mary--$22.95 to view a collection of certifiable junk! But doors were slammed shut all over town, including important ones in City Hall. The refrain could have been 'Don't nobody bring me no bad news!- - and the loudest chorus could have come from the offices of The Los Angeles Times. When the newspaper began running ads for the Marilyn Exhibitand billboards began appearing around townyour obvious question was, 'Hey, do you think they're being paid off?- And your obvious answer would be, 'Yeah, probably so.-

But the year of horror was just beginning!

John Miner, a deputy district attorney at the time of Marilyn Monroe's death, came forth with a container ship of foolishness, claiming he'd listened to audio tapes Marilyn had made for her psychiatrist. The tapeswhich surely don't existare unimaginative soap opera. They contain cornball fantasies and lies built upon other fantasies and lies created since the death of the blonde icon. They're the wet dreams of an unimaginative old man. Miner calls for a new autopsy on Marilyn, which he says will prove she was murdered. (Hugh Hefner promised last year to finance that pointless caper, but nothing has happened so far.)

www.latimes.com/news/local/la-et-marilyn5aug05,0,1217607.story?c ..
BUT: that didn't not stop Robert Welkos and The Los Angeles Times from devoting an obscene amount of space to the dumb and pointless story of John Miner and his transcriptions. Which led to The Wall Street Journal asking, 'Is Marilyn Monroe the answer to the hard times at the Los Angeles Times?- The WSJ answered its own question, noting that unpublished portions of Miner's transcripts received many hits when it was posted on the Times' Web site.
online.wsj.com/public/article/SB112830208746958155-3bSMjiI_EfyMt ..

The English conspiracy writer Matthew Smith was quoted as saying it would be 'absolutely impossible- for John Miner to have invented his claims. (Smith himself is absolutely impossible to believe.) The BBC reported that John Miner was facing bankruptsy before he 'remembered' those tapes. A German theater production in Berlin just staged a play which is based on those absolutely unbelievable in all means, tapes.

Miner's call to arms was featured in last December's Playboy magazine . . . along with the appearance of June DiMaggio, an 83 year old woman claiming to have been a longtime friend of Marilyn's, and the niece of Joe DiMaggio. June and co-conspirator Mary Jane Popp announced the coming publication of their book: Marilyn Monroe, Joe DiMaggio and Me. Angry emails apparently made the publisher change his mind, as the book dropped out of sight.

It's been a busy year for Marilyn frauds. A guy in Canada picked up Marilyn, hitchhiking after escaping from an ambulance. Dolores Hope Masi tried to peddle the jewelry that Marilyn had given her and her mother. Marilyn's 'best friend- Jeanne Carmen is peddling her memories of best-friend Marilyn. Singer Howard Keel revealed his long-time affair with MM. Italy donated a faily scary bronze statue of Marilyn to Los Angeles. And, surprise! June DiMaggio (real name June Alpino) is back, with a revised version of her book. It deletes stories about June's appearance at Monroe's funeral, stories that had been questioned, and substitutes spaghetti recipes.

The Times dipped into Marilyn fantasy again this year, with a whopper. It seems that psychiatrist Adrian Finkelstein (who teaches past-life regression therapy in Malibu) was treating Canadian pop singer Sherrie Lea Laird and discoveredwouldn't you know it?!that she is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe, and (it gets better!) Sherrie's daughter is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe's mother. And then it gets worse: Robert Welkos in The Los Angeles Times devoted an incredible FULL-PAGE to this idiocy, plus a very large Page 3 photo.

If the O. J. Simpson publisher had gone ahead with the 'If I Did It- confessional book, it would forever be listed as the most shocking lapse of journalistic integrity in memory. But it didn't happen. So now the Los Angeles Times can make that claim for itself, for Welkos's one-full-page story on Dr. Finkelstein and his two-for-the-price-of-one bottle blondes.

Friendly messages have been left for Robert Welkos, asking, What are you thinking? Angry messages have been left for him, asking, WHAT are you thinking?! Brsuhing off with silly articles on nothing, that seems to entertain the calendar section management. So, if you have a circus you bring to town, with two headed Marilyn siamese twins. That will possibly make it onto the front cover of this paper. You want to sell a book about a silly sam? Even better. Call Mr. Welkos and make sure you mention a high dollar amount. The attention will be on your side, depending how many zeros your amount contains.

Similar messages have been left for his boss, Betsy Sharkey. No one returns calls. They must be both busy digging for more freakish stories and characters, or both. True and applaudable journalism. How much are they making a month for this crap?
While Welkos was sitting for weeks on paid vacation and of course worked here and then, sending some more unimportant articles from the Cannes Film Festival last May, a groundbreaking class action lawsuit was filed abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=local&id=4222447
and it was hardly even noticed by the Los Angeles Times, as again, that is the theory of some insiders, the LA Times simply was guilty for not doing anything earlier, when Mr. Bellinghaus stated on his blog, that the first call he would make the very first day into the exhibit was to, you guessed right: Mr. Robert W. Welkos.
Betsy Sharkey promised that 'she would look into the possibilities of writing a warning for the Times' readers, if there was a lawsuit, but here again, she failed and Welkos disappointed the fraud hunter fully again. He more though let his readers down and behind and his work ethics should be questioned and double checked.

Mr. Welkos who visited Bellinghaus' home and taped a three hour interview with the expert and collector; a journalist who also witnessed June DiMaggio and taped her interview and shook his head in disbelieve, he would write nothing at all in the entire time, while the fraud was on display. He got a personal 'fraud tour for dummies tour' and detailed explanation by Mr. Bellinghaus, the nuber one expert in this field, yet he never wrote one word about the fraud.
No if someone really screws up in your office and fails more than once--would you send that person for weeks to Cannes, France as a reward for his screw ups and failure to report the biggest crime in Marilyn Monroe history?
One big thank has to be made to Mr. Welkos though. When Mark Rosler's famous appraisal was printed by Robert Welkos, with the obvious try and bluff to shut Mr. Bellinghaus up (Welkos would discribe Bellinghaus literally as a 'fruitcake'), he delivered, mostly unwanted the final blow against the famous and super arrogant lawyer from Indianapolis. This multi million lie must certainly disbar this celeb lawyer for licensing of dead stars (Sophia Loren is one of his only living clients).

David Geffen wants to run The Los Angeles Times? Let him have it! He can't do any worse than what we've got now! But please send some unqualified staff writers home. Including his boss, as they both failed to warn the paying reader about a fraud, that certainly could have been prevented by one strong article. As that paper still and not understandable has the second strongest power in this country. What a shame.
That is how Monroe collector and expert Mark Bellinghaus finished our interview, he simply stated: Shame on Robert Welkos and Shame on Betsy Sharkey, too! They should really both be fired. Contact Information:
Hans Siegfried Schmidt

Now showing: the private life of Marilyn Monroe? - Los ...

www.latimes.com › archives › la-x...
11.11.2005 — By Robert W. Welkos ... Other items from “Marilyn Monroe: The Exhibit,” which goes on display today at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, veer ...