Lob & Anerkennung für meine Arbeit vom weltweit führenden "Skeptic," Michael Shermer, USA

"If you want to read the anatomy of a hoax, check out Mark Bellinghaus’ extensive article. He’s a first rate skeptical investigator of all things Marilyn."

Michael Shermer

World leading Skeptic, publisher of "Sceptic Magazine," USA


Fotokollage by Mark Bellinghaus, Copyright 2008

von Mark Bellinghaus

 Liebe Leserin, Lieber Leser,

worauf ich wirklich stolz bin, ist die Tatsache, dass der große Michael Shermer mich in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, in seinem Print-, und auch seinem online Magazin, gelobt und gewürdigt hat, für meine überaus detailierte, und so umfassend nur auf Beweisen beruhenden Arbeit. 

Und das nicht nur einmal, sondern gleich zweimal! 

Link zu Michael Shermers Wikipedia Seite auf Deutsch

Meiner überaus anstrengenden, Kräfte verzehrenden und viel Geld verbrauchenden Recherche, RA Kosten und und und.

Ein besonders großes Lob, vom weltweit bekanntesten, und vor allem anerkanntesten Skeptiker, Mr. Michael Shermer, gab es, für meine Leistung, den Produzenten der Fernseh Serie "Ghost Whisperer," einer unglaublich dummen Lüge zu überführen. Viele kennen diesen Mann auch als sogenannten  "Psychic," welcher jahrzehntelang sein Unwesen trieb und die Leute Wortwörtlich für dumm verkauft hat!  James van Praagh, als kompletten Lügener und Betrüger zu entlarven, nur mit, und nur anhand eines schlagenden Beweises. 

Das war in der Tat etwas, auf das man stolz sein kann. 

Daher heißt dieser Blog auch "B wie Beweis."

Dies war die 1. Story, die Mr. Michael Shermer, nach meiner Enthüllung auf blogcritics im Jahre 2005, veröffentliche:

27.04.2006 — In this lecture, Michael Shermer will discuss belief in weird things, intelligent ... of Mark Bellinghaus' skeptical critique of the Marilyn Monroe Exhibit (including ... Bellinghaus, widely regarded as a Marilyn Monroe expert, owns one of the ... that opened November 11, 2005, on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, ...


 e skeptic, April, 27, 2006

Debunking a Marilyn Monroe Exhibit

In this week’s eSkeptic we reprint part of Mark Bellinghaus’ skeptical critique of the Marilyn Monroe Exhibit (including a brief debunking of the psychic James Van Praagh) that opened in Long Beach, California in November 2005. Bellinghaus, widely regarded as a Marilyn Monroe expert, owns one of the most extensive and comprehensive Marilyn Monroe collections in the world.

Marilyn Monroe with husband Joe DiMaggio (photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt)

Marilyn Monroe with husband Joe DiMaggio (photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt)

Marilyn Monroe’s Memory
Defrauded in Long Beach

The Truth Is Here

by Mark Bellinghaus

Did you see that psychic on Entertainment Tonight in December, James Van Praagh? He had one of Marilyn Monroe’s hair curlers — it even had a Marilyn hair on it — and this guy was listening to Marilyn talk to him right on the air. Spooky!

Those curlers are a highlight of “Marilyn Monroe, The Exhibit,” a display that opened November 11, 2005, on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California, advertised as the largest private collection of Marilyn memorabilia ever assembled, a collection with the claimed worth of $10 million dollars.

But I have a small problem with those hair curlers: it took only the briefest internet research and a call to Clairol to establish that they were first manufactured in 1974. Marilyn passed away in 1962. I wonder which dead blonde Van Praagh was talking to.

The hair curlers are not authentic and that “$10 million” exhibit isn’t worth more than $25–$30 thousand. The people behind the exhibit are not telling the truth.

The principals in this story are:

  • Robert W. Otto, 56, President of Marilyn Monroe Exhibits;
  • Mark Roesler, 50, head and founder of CMG licensing;
  • June Dimaggio, 82, who claims to be a niece of Joe DiMaggio and a close friend of Marilyn;
  • Mary Jane Popp, 55 (?), actress, infomercial and radio host, she is helping June write her story;
  • Hugh Hefner, 79, Mr. Playboy, he gives credit to Marilyn for his magazine’s success, but threw her to the wolves.

Let’s begin with the most outrageous character, June DiMaggio. Who is she? The last name itself generates interest and memories of the sweet past, the Yankee Clipper, Simon & Garfunkel’s “Mrs. Robinson.” But now I want to change the famous lyric of the latter to “Where have you come from, June DiMaggio?” She appeared out of nowhere, joining the media circus without explaining where she was hiding while her legendary uncle Joe was alive.

CBS is reportedly planning a 48 Hours special on Marilyn Monroe this month, supposedly with June DiMaggio, and we look forward to the funny but absurd little stories she seems to have dreamed up and written down in her fictional “memoir,” Marilyn, Joe and Me!, her “what if?” journal …

READ the entire article > 

dieser Link (oben) funktioniert nicht mehr, da Mark Roesler, per gerichtlicher Anordnung eine weitere und für ihn auch geschäftlich schädigende Wirkung verhindern wollte. Er hat sich des Betruges bewieserermaßen schuldig gemacht, und er hat durch meinen Mut Marilyn Monroe, als seinen größten "Goldesel," ever, für immer verloren. Das ist die offizielle Version. Aber unter dem Tisch, so glaube ich, und das ist auch meine Meinung, arbeitet er schon längst wieder mit der gierigen Anna Strasberg, zusammen. 



Dies war die 2. Story, die Mr. Michael Shermer über meine Findungen veröffentlichte:

Skeptic » eSkeptic » October 1, 2008

www.skeptic.com › eskeptic

01.10.2008 — In this week's eSkeptic, Mark Bellinghaus, a first rate skeptical ... conference reminder: ORIGINS — the BIG Questions; in the media: Was Vanity Fair Hoaxed? feedback: Dawkins & Shermer Hate Mail ... of a Marilyn Monroe hoax perpetrated at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California ... —Michael Shermer ...


 e skeptic, October 1, 2008

Was Vanity Fair Hoaxed
in its Marilyn Monroe Cover Story?

Vanit Fair Cover (Oct 2008)

Vanity Fair cover (October 2008)

Two years ago we reported on the brilliant exposé by Mark Bellinghaus of a Marilyn Monroe hoax perpetrated at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California, where included in a display of the movie star’s personal items were hair curlers. As Bellinghaus reported, famed psychic James Van Praagh used those curlers (and the blond hair in them) to make contact with Marilyn, and he even carried on a conversation with her on the national television show Entertainment Tonight. Well, Bellinghaus tracked down the origin of those curlers through their maker, Clairol. It turns out that those curlers were first manufactured in 1974, twelve years after Marilyn died, so it would be interesting to know just who Van Praagh was talking to! Perhaps there are Marilyn Monroe impersonators on the other side as well.

Psychics are not the only ones trying to cash in on Marilyn’s irresistible fame. Last April a news story broke about a newly surfaced Marilyn Monroe sex tape (what else?), which was also swiftly debunked by Mark Bellinghaus as yet another fake.


Mark Bellinghaus’ parody of the
Vanity Fair cover

Marilyn is back in the news this month as Vanity Fair magazine featured her on their October cover in honor of their 25th anniversary issue, offering a potpourri of personal papers and items that promises readers will unlock the 45-year old “Marilyn Monroe mystery.” One such pictured item is Marilyn’s personal typewriter, on which she allegedly fingered letters to the rich and famous, which immediately set off Bellinghaus’s baloney detection alarm — Marilyn Monroe couldn’t type!

This is just one of numerous fakes and mistakes that Bellinghaus says are comparable to what Clifford Irving did when he faked Howard Hughes artifacts in order to sell his authorized biography of the billionaire to the McGraw Hill publishing company for one million dollars.

If you want to read the anatomy of a hoax, check out Mark Bellinghaus’ extensive article. He’s a first rate skeptical investigator of all things Marilyn. For my money, the real “Marilyn Monroe Mystery” is why people won’t let this tragic woman R.I.P.

—Michael Shermer


Carmen Silvia Santos hat gesagt…
sehr sehr interessant, vielen Dank für all die interessante Info, auch in Englisch. Ich hatte immer James van Praagh als Schöpfer der Ghost Whisperer Serie gemocht, aber was er da abzog, mit einem angeblichen Lockenwickler Mariyn Monroes und damit alle prellte und verarschte, ist schon ein starkes Stück Beschiss. Seit Ihrem Blog Eintrag, ist dieser Typ van Praagh nur noch ne Lachnummer. Danke, Herr Bellinghaus!!!